Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A few more words about it...

I have written about this on facebook and Mom has written about is on her blog, but I just can't help but write it again. On Monday evening Mom's Dr. called and told us that the two lymph nodes that looked fishy during the surgery came back negative, which is the best news ever! If they had been cancer, that would not have been good. But, I am doing a Bible study right now that is reminding me to live in what is and not what if, so I know I should not even focus on what might have been. I have to be honest, though, and tell you that my thoughts were wandering and I was having a very hard time not thinking about the What Ifs. Because we have a merciful God, I do not have to face that What If right now. For this, I am so thankful to God. He has given us a yes right now and I am going to shout from the rooftops that, "God did it!" (those are Cason's words.) Mom has been so faithful to always give the glory to God no matter what answer we get. Mom and Dad both live their lives with this mentality which has led Taylor and I to try to live the same way. I will give him praise no matter what His answer might be. But this time, I am oh, so thankful that His answer is yes!!!

The treatment continues as scheduled no matter the news we got on Monday. Her next step is going to be radiation for 6 1/2 weeks. Then another mastectomy surgery that will include the first step of reconstruction, then another surgery for the actual reconstruction. I will post any changes or updates but, for now this is the plan. Thank you again and again for the prayers. There is nothing in this world that means more to us.


  1. Thank you for that post. Lately I have been living in the what if's, and you are right. I should be giving praise for what is. I know you were writing this for you, but I think God is talking to me so thank you again!! And we are so happy for the wonderful news!! We will continue to pray for more yes' to come.

  2. I am so sad that I didn't get to see you! We will make it happen one of these days. I just hope that it is soon!
    So happy to hear the great news about your mom! Keep us updated! I am praying all the time!
    Love you!!!
