Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Feeding Therapy Underway

On Monday morning I took Braden for his first feeding therapy session. He did great! He is so remarkable in what he can do that it still seems strange to me that he has any problem. Nonetheless, on the way there, I just could not wrap my brain around what all you can even do to teach a nine month old how to relax the muscles inside his mouth. I guess I went in very naive to what we might have even gotten ourselves into.
Once in the room with our sweet therapist, Sara, we got to work right away. This first visit was not really about teaching Braden at all. It was more about teaching me so that I can reinforce at home. She had a whole list of exercises and stretches that we can do to get him going. I watched mostly but, at one point she had me actually do one of the stretches. It was more than eye opening for me. She had me place my index finger inside his mouth and my thumb on the outside and pinch and pull out toward the opening of his mouth. I have never felt inside of a baby's mouth like this but, I guess it feels kind of like mine. Braden's is a ball of muscle. He has no give at all. I was shocked. I mean, seriously, it is like the corner of his mouth is still attached in the back by his molars. There is nothing but tight muscle. I think Sara saw the shock on my face and nodded in agreement with me that this is the main issue that we have to work on. By the way, please say a pray of thanksgiving for Sara and pray a blessing over her as well as she works with us and many, many others who have much harder issues that ours. She truly cares about so many kids. Ok, back to my story. We only worked for a little while, as Braden could not tolerate much more of our hands on teaching the first time.
On my drive home, I have to admit, I cried most of the way. I just felt so overwhelmed. I felt thankful that we have gone and gotten help, I felt overwhelmed with the task at hand, I felt sad that Cason is going to have to adjust to me and Braden being gone a couple times a week, I felt inadequate to do all this at home, I felt sad that something is wrong with my baby, I felt so many things all at once and was unsure how to work through each one of them. My biggest concern was what I was going to do with Cason twice a week for a couple of hours. He goes to YCW on Thursdays which sounded like a perfect time to take Braden except they didn't have anything available on Thursdays. Awesome. Well, God in His infinite wisdom, had gone before me and taken care of everything. I called this morning to schedule our second time each week and the lady who does scheduling said, "Well someone just canceled this morning for Thursdays, would you want that appointment?" I was so excited. That is just one less time I have to be away from Cason and it takes care of his childcare while I need to be focusing on Braden. God is so good.
We started doing our at home exercises today and Braden just cracks me up. He does not like having to sit still, so I just kind of follow him around our living room while he plays, touching all over his face and in his mouth. I am praying that he will get used to all this quickly so that we can move onto him learning to relax those muscles. Who knew? God knew and for that, I am so thankful.


  1. I'm praying for you and your sweet boy. I completely understand how you feel. Jasper's neck was in pretty much the same condition - tight and knotted up, with no give at all, and we're still working on it. Let me know if you ever need somebody to take Cason. Bennett just loves playing with him.

    God is so faithful - I'm so glad about one of your appointments getting to be on Thursdays!

  2. Braden is too young to realize how blessed he is to have such great parents to care for him. Randi, I feel for you, because no matter what their age, our children are literally "our hearts". But with the resources God has given you in what sounds like a gifted medical team, you and Braden will work through this and he will soon be fine with no remembrance that there ever was a problem. And when he is 16 and eating your pantry dry you can smile & remember how good God was to get you through this trial!

  3. You are such a great mom! I will be praying for you and Braden.
    Thank you so much for your call yesterday. When I went to pick up Micah from school, his teachers said that it was a much better day than the first. Just like you said. I was so glad! Thank you for being a great friend!
