Friday, February 27, 2009

Results Are In

We just found out that they did find cancer in her left breast. My understanding is that this does not mean they have found all of it yet. I pray that they have, but to make sure, they are going to do a full body CT scan and a bone scan on Monday or Tuesday of next week. It should not take too long to get the results back from that. From there we will know more about our game plan and how we are going to respond.


  1. Hey, Randi,

    Thanks for the update on your mom - we will keep her in our prayers.

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed getting to visit with you tonight! We need to do it again soon.

  2. Randi,
    I am praying and hurting with you guys. I'm so sorry that this is happening. Just want you to know you are loved and prayed for all the time. Praying, praying.

  3. I'm so sorry that y'all are going thru this. I'm praying for your family. I know that because of your faith God will be glorified in whatever happens.

  4. Randi, you all are definitely in our prayers. So sorry that your family is having to go through all of this.
